WED, JUNE 28, 2023 • S1 E9 • 16 MIN 59 SEC

Trauma and Creativity - My First Thoughts

 At the beginning of this podcast series, I knew I'd be including some discussion on how trauma impacts creativity. I've personally experienced a variety of traumatic events that possibly or definitely impacted my creativity, its growth, its health, and its continued partnership in my life. While studies have been done on isolation with infants, lack of social interaction, etc. (quite unpopular and with very sad results)
I'm looking at this from a different perspective. While that isolation has a negative impact, do some children come out of their situation with a more fertile imagination? And does that imagination feed their creativity later in life? Or does inherent creativity help them survive those early days?

I've begun doing some research on this topic. Not that I'm an expert, or considering pursuing a career, but just because my personal experience makes me wonder. Today's episode begins that discussion, posing more questions than answers, but introducing the topic of trauma in childhood as a catalyst for creative style, strength, and direction in life. We wouldn't wish these things on anyone, but what is the result if it happens?

Some of my guests have experienced life-altering trauma, and have come through it different, but stronger, and still creative, but perhaps more intensely or entirely different than their pre-trauma existence. It's an interesting topic and just one of many that grow from a discussion on creativity in all its forms. 


The website quoted in this podcast series  

#childhoodtrauma #creativechildren #survivingtrauma #survivor
#growingcreativity #lifexperience #creativelife #creatives #whatiscreativity



It's All Creative


WED, JUNE 28, 2023


16 MIN 59 SEC


